What we do

Market entry/review studies, research, assessment & recommendations

Market size, barriers to entry, healthcare funding and competitive landscape are just a few of the fundamentals to fully understand so that an informed decision can be made regarding the best positioning for your product line. Mosaic is well-equipped to research these elements and make recommendations based on the data.

Distribution model alternatives

In Asia the supply chain can be long and complicated. This may suit some product categories and not others. Potential distribution partners may operate only with one structure and therefore may not be suitable as a result. Mosaic helps you fully understand the alternatives and the impact this can have on competitiveness and profitability.

Product configuration, labeling & language

Regulatory requirements of each may differ at depending on the country - this needs to be accounted for and Mosaic can address these needs for your product line. Furthermore other marketing and promotional materials may need to be customized to suit the particular needs of any market and this can often be important for product acceptance.

Distribution partner identification & contract facilitation

Appointing a Distributor in any country is easy … however, to be sure that distributor has the infrastructure, reach, willingness to invest and appropriate supply chain for your product line is important for success. Based on the market entry studies conducted, Mosaic will provide alternatives including a gap analysis and will facilitate the negotiation of contract terms as appropriate.

Technology transfer & training

Once your Distribution partner is appointed; for well-differentiated and more sophisticated products, Mosaic is able to act as the trainer for your product line and overcome language and cultural barriers that may prevent full understanding of your value proposition. This helps ensure that price isn’t the only parameter impacting your degree of success.

Distribution channel Performance Management

Ongoing management and review of the Distribution channel is important. Not every company has the resource to be able to continually follow up face-to-face and this is necessary for ongoing success. Mosaic can structure follow-up activities according to the needs of your business.

Product Globalization

For North-American and European companies seeking to improve market penetration in Asia Pacific; Australia, Korea and other major markets within the region provide you with a great start towards rounding out your global presence.

For Korean companies wishing to enter Western markets, Australia provides a lower risk, lower cost and more manageable entry point. Mosaic with offices and local personnel in both countries is well positioned to provide the best resources and opportunity for your Company and your product line.